Tuesday, 29 July 2014

TIPS TO INCREASE YOUR FACEBOOK REACH- The post that you should never miss!!!


In the nutshell, the main intent is to have user engagement in our fb posts and this is the only organic way to get more reach for our post. Use the following to increase your fb reach.

1.A balance between the images and the links: The photos you share are most important and this is what most people do and say too. There is an agreement that the images convey more than the words!!But people could notice that the newsfeed shows more links. This is because of the change in the algorithm. So, it is advisable to post links (Quality links) and the fb would pull the meta info and the images and display it right in your post. So, don’t be posting only photos for they get more likes but have a healthy balance between the images and the links you post.

2.Tagging other pages: There is always a second thought  when tagging  to another page , that we may lose our audience. It is not so and instead we would gain more because this post would be listed in the newsfeed of your audience as well as the fans of the tagged one.

3.Have a poll: Do poll your fans and this shall not be done oft and on. When you poll your audiences, their comment activities would increase and hence there would be a greater reach again!!

4.Comments are more important than the likes and shares—The Facebook eyes on more comments and your never force your audience to like or share the posts. Doing this would have a negative impact. How do you have more comments? The only way is to initiate a discussion. Just quickly spark a discussion and that would be useful always to increase your reach.

5.Make effective use of the STORYBUMPING algorithm: The story bumping algorithm does the display of the older post again in the news feed. The facebook has identified the engagement of the users in the older posts and hence it does the story bumping (thinking the audience might have missed). Do share or reply for comments in g+, twitter and blogs to promote your post again. In the bottom line do not ignore your older post for they are important too!

6.Audience engagement:  This means to leave a question or leave a dotted blank so that the audience would fill or answer in the comments area again a tip to increase the comment activities.

7.URL usage: It is always recommended to use the full URL path rather than the short URL that the system generates for you.

8.#tag : Use hash tags for the serach terms or keywords so that the post comes first in the news feed but this is written as the last tip as the algorithm would soon revoke this concept.

For more seo tips and tricks, connect with us at fb page or log on to www.justdoseo.com The rest in next!!!



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